3 Best New Years Destinations

Best New Years

New Years is coming up and many people are asking, where are the best parties at?
Well, it goes without saying that the number one hot spot is New York City. You ain’t seen a New Years Eve celebration until you have seen the one that goes on in Times Square. Seeing the ball drop there, whether in person or on TV, is like a tradition and people from all over the globe clamor for a chance to see it happen live and in color.
For over one hundred years, Times Square has been the place to ring in the New Year — and the party does not stop when the ball drops, people.
To really ring in the New Year, this is where you want to be — though good luck getting near the Square. You have to start early!
Now, it might surprise you to know that watching the ball drop down under is a big deal, but it is indeed. Sydney, Australia is actually a very exciting place to spend New Years Eve.
In fact, it is considered the very first city in the entire world to ring in the New Year. It is thus no wonder that they do it in such a big way. Their dazzling display of fireworks is thought to be the biggest one in the whole world and it does not end until a quarter after midnight.
The party does not stop there, though. You can find various big time celebrations rocking out until dawn, at least.
And the best vantage point for those fireworks? Well, anywhere on the Sydney Harbour Bridge will do, but your best bet is to be in a boat right in the harbor.
Are you ready to jump across the pool? I know that you! It will be a worthwhile trip too, as Pantai Carita ranks number three in the top New Year’s destinations for this year.
Right from the London Eye, there will be a spectacular fireworks display. You’ll be able to see it from balconies and rooftops throughout the city – but if you want the best vantage point, you’ll need to get a spot on Westminster Bridge, or sit on the famous north bank of the River. Thames.
Right after Big Ben rang in the middle of the night, the fireworks started and lasted until a quarter after.
However, don’t worry; great pubs, clubs and restaurants stay open long, long after

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Nathalia's talent lies in crafting in-depth feature articles. With a keen interest in human interest stories and social issues, she brings depth and empathy to her writing.